Paddocks Primary School Newmarket

Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket

"Pride - Persistence - Purpose"

Owls - Year 4

Welcome to Year 4  

Hello and welcome to the Year 4 Owl class page. Miss Burrows is the class teacher with Mrs Harris and Mr Morris as our Year 4 support staff. 

Our Topic this term is the Anglo-Saxons with a focus on History.

PE kits need to be brought in on a Monday and swimming kits in every Thursday for swimming lessons please. Every child needs to bring a swimming hat in order to participate. Swimming lessons take place at the leisure centre so please make sure the children come with a coat if needed for our walk up. 

We are lucky enough to have guitar lessons which will happen on Mondays. The children will be expected to take their guitars home to practice every week. 

Homework is set every Monday on Google classroom and due the following Monday. Please edit or upload the work onto Google classroom rather than handing in a paper copy. 


Any queries, please contact me on