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- Current Staff
- Governors
- School Governors
- Governors - Statutory Information
- Ethos and Values
- Sports Premium
- British Values
- Ofsted
- Pupil Premium
- Policies
- Supporting Children's Language Development
- Performance Data
- Accessibility Statement
- Financial Information
- Pupil Leadership
- Equality Information
Pupil Leadership
At Paddocks we are a community and we strongly believe in all our stakeholders having a voice in how our school is run.
We have many different types of leadership role that our children can apply to hold.
School Council
Each class has 2 school council representatives who are voted for by their peers. The council meets with Mrs Thompson every 2-3 weeks and shares the views of their classmates. The council fundraise for charities or for items for the school and represent the school at events.
Our Playleaders are children from Year 5 who have been trained by the Forest Heath Sports Partnership. They lead games and activities for our younger children and help them to learn how to play and interact with each other.
Junior Road Safety Officers
Children in Year 4 can apply to be JRSO's. The JRSO's share the road safety message throughout the school by leading assemblies and running competitions and producing safety messages for the school newsletter.
Wellbeing Warriors
In the spring term, we will be introducing a new pupil leadership group - our Wellbeing Warriors! Details to follow next term.