Paddocks Primary School Newmarket

Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket

"Pride - Persistence - Purpose"

Rabbits - Year 1


Hello and welcome to Rabbits class. This class is taught by Miss Hickman with the assistance of Miss Crafer and Mrs Haynes. On a Thursday morning we will have Mr Morris teach us.

We have an exciting year. We will cover topics that include: Marvellous Me,  Awesome Explorers, Toy Story, Whatever the Weather, Shanghai and There's No Place Like Home.   We will cover all subjects, creating 3D work in Art. Healthy smoothies in DT. We will learn about the history of toys and how we are making history. In Geography we will explore human and natural features of Newmarket and Shanghai. In Literacy we will study lots of different children's books, write Acrostic and Calligram poems. In maths we will begin to explore multiplication and division and cover numbers up to 100. 

Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Wednesday. Please make sure a full named kit is in school for these days. Please also clearly name jumpers as these are easily misplaced.