School Uniform Policy
Our school uniform is a combination of blue and grey.
Paddocks School branded PE T-shirts, Polo Shirts, Sweatshirts and cardigans are available to order through the PTA.
Please use our online order form which can be found here, and email the form to the school office Payment is by online payment only - no cash or cheques please.
Polo shirts : navy with Paddocks Logo
Jumpers/cardigan : blue with Paddocks Logo
Skirts/pinafores : grey
Shorts/Trousers : grey
Summer dresses : blue & white check
We also have book bags with the school logo.
We have blue P.E. t-shirts with the Paddocks logo available to buy.
Children can wear dark coloured shorts or P.E. skirts. In winter they are welcome to bring a tracksuit to go over their P.E. kit. This must be plain and either black or blue.
Trainers are required for outdoor P.E. sessions. Indoor P.E. is usually taught barefoot.
Accessibility of Uniform
Non-branded items like trousers, skirts, shorts and polo shirts are available from local supermarkets and are reasonably priced.
Branded items are sold by our Parents Association, with a small proportion of the costs being retained by them to fund activities for the children. The PTA regularly review their uniform suppliers in order to ensure costs are kept low.
We are proud of our school and our uniform and ask our families to support this aspect of our school community. We ask that all jumpers and cardigans worn are Paddocks are branded items if possible.
If any families have difficulties with meeting the cost of uniform, please enquire about the support we are able to offer families.
Good condition second-hand items of uniform are also regularly sold by the PTA and these items can be found in the school front office.